Happily Never After

It had been the Sneaky-Peeky Ceramic Lion’s lifelong wish to stop the Noisy Plastic Horses and their constant clippity-cloppiting over the bridge.

Finally, the Sneaky-Peeky Ceramic Lion remembered the old Kitten in a Pink Bucket ploy! It was his last hope to lure those noisy horses down into his devious trap!

Too late the Sneaky-Peeky Ceramic Lion realised his one terrible miscalculation! As the horses escaped the villain’s clutches, it was suddenly obvious that horses prefer oats in a pink bucket!

The Kitten in a Pink Bucket was not going to sit around waiting to be rescued. So she took the pink bucket and went home!

Anyway, she had been pretending all along just so she could get a pink bucket.

Proving once again, kittens are smarter than ceramic lions and plastic horses, Van M.

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